General professional Web sites relevant to extrasolar planets.
- News
- Forum on extrasolar planets Archives
dedicated to professional infos on extra-solar planets - ExoPAG News and Announcements - Archiver
- Forum on extrasolar planets Archives
- Catalogues and data
- X-exoplanets: an X-ray and EUV archive for exoplanets
- Planetary Data Ecosystem
- The Habitable Worlds Observatory Preliminary Input Catalog - after HPIC: The Habitable Worlds Observatory Preliminary Input Catalog
- SWEET-cat Porto - A catalog of stellar parameters for stars with planets
- DIVA Database High Contrast Imaging Data
- TOIs at Iena
- ETD - Exoplanet Transit Database
- NASA Exoplanet Archive
- HWO ExEP Precursor Science Stars
- DYNAMITE Alien Earths
- SPHERE Reduced Data
- Robo-AO KOI Survey LGS-AO imaging of every Kepler planetary candidate
- The California-Kepler Survey
- Planets around giant stars (Sabin Reffert)
- Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes
- Planets in Binary Systems (Ph. Thébault )
- Exoplanets: an interactive version of XKCD 1071
- California & Carnegie Planet Search
- The Anglo-Australian Planet Search
- ExoMol
- List of Brown Dwarfs (by Wm. Robert Johnston)
- ExoAtmospheres IAC Spain
- Seznam nejbližší exoplanety
- Principles of Planetary Biology
- Robot Planet
- SIMPLE Database
- Graphical Zoo of exoplanets ; Graphical catalog of rocky and icy exoplanets (Martin Vargic)
- Observing Programmes
- Habitability
- The Habitable Zone Gallery
- Habitable Zones in Multiple Star Systems (Mueller & Haghighipour)
- List of Surface biosignatures of exo-Earths (Hedge et al.)
- Nfold - Network for Life Detection
- Calculating the Habitable Zone
- Disks
- Circumstellar Disks
- The Circumstellar Disk Learning Site Paul Kalas
- Resolved debris discs Nicole Pawellek (MPIA Heidelberg, Germany) and Alexander Krivov (AIU Jena, Germany)
- Tools
- Transit Service Query Form
- Mass-radius Forecaster (Jingjing Chen)
- Topography of (exo)planets
From Landais, Schmidt & Levejoy MNRAS 2019 paper - GSFC Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center (EMAC)
- JWST Community-Developed Resources
- Transit predictions
- Jobs
- Other