
Recent informations published about exoplanet encyclopaedia.

  • Over 100 new systems have been added to our planets-in-binaries database, representing a 30% increase (a machine-readable table of all systems can be found here)

  • Additional planet parameters not included in the catalog at
    (e.g. the Position Angle (PA) , the ascending node longitude Omega Ω or the projected semi-major axis)
    are in the Remarks page of the corresponding planets

  • After a major update over the last month, we have now reached 7,000 confirmed objects in our database. Our database is currently the most complete in the world.

  • Today is a day of celebration as we have reached over 6000 validated planets in our database (and counting) !!!! It took 3 years to go from 4000 to 5000 and only one more year to reach 6000, which shows exponential behaviour.

  • Our Planets in Binaries database has been upgraded and now hosts a specific database on circumbinary planets (P-type orbits), accessible from the main database page or directly here. As for the database on S-type orbits, it contains both overview graphs and machine-readable tables with the systems' main characteristics.

  • We are pleased to announce the first release of an extended version of the Encyclopaedia of extrasolar planets, which becomes the Encyclopaedia of exoplanetary systems. Some of these pages are still in beta version. We are actively working on new updates to the current website. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions or comments.

  • The first bunch of planet candidates are delivered by GAIA DR3 (click on status: candidates at the upper left of the catalog to see them): 63 are astrometric detections and 9 are from radial velocities. GAIA will provide thousands of them in the near future. Thanks to F.Arenou, N. Leclerc, A. Sozzetti (Gaia DPAC), C.Chauvin, F.Roques, Q. Kral & J. Schneider ( Team)

  • Our planets in binaries sub-page lists 154 confirmed planets on an S-type orbit (orbiting one of the two stellar components) in <500au separated binaries.

  • Today, the catalog shows 5014 confirmed planets, 2638 candidates and 821 multiple planets sytems.

  • Plato exoplanet mission gets green light for next phase  

  • Our page listing exoplanets in binary systems went through a major update, now providing the inclusion of a downloadable machine-readable table with the main characteristics of all known (S-type) planet-hosting binaries of separation <500au (see here).

  • Candidate rocky planet in the HZ of alf Cen A (Wagner et al.)

  • We have just gone through a major update adding hundreds of new planets to our database!

  • A new tool is now accessible on the database. This tool can be used to easily simulate the climate on terrestrial planets. It is accessible here.

  • Nobel Prize for exoplanets (Mayor & Queloz - and for Cosmology [Peebles])

  • ESA to launch a mission toward a future interstellar comet

  • All of our database is accessible in python via our API. We have added a tutorial to use the API to query our database and collect/handle the data you want in an easy way.

  • Today is a celebration day as we are now over 4000 planets validated in our database and this number will grow very quickly thanks to intensive on-going work!

  • Warning : Announcements of K2 planets can be duplicated. -The planet of the star EPIC 201498078 has been announced as K2-261 b by Johnson et al., MNRAS, august 2018 and as K2-161 b by Brahms et al. , MNRAS, november 2018. - Mayo et al. 2018 gives also the name K2-161 b to EPIC 201231064 b. - The two planets of the star 2MASS J08452605+1941544 are simultaneously announced by Rizzuto et al. (2018 ) as K2-264 b and c and by Livingston et al. (2018) as EPIC 211964830 b and c.

  • AAVSO to archive amateur astronomer exoplanet data: more here