Planets in binaries, notes on individual systems
- Gamma Ceph A is a post-main-sequence star (sub-giant). Astrometry analysis (Benedict et al., 2018) shows that there is a 70 degrees mutual inclination between the binary and planetary orbits and that the planet probably has a much higher mass than previously expected (9 MJup). Binary orbit revised by Mugrauer+(2022). Host star visible to the naked eye.
- 30Ari B* (DISCARDED by Kiefer+2021, who constrain a M>140Mjup mass for the "planet") is actually part of a wide triple system (component Ari A, see Kane et al., 2015). What we show here is the BC binary. The orbit of the Ari C companion is poorly constrained: with a separation of 21.9AU, the constraint is that e<0.75. I took e=0.75/2 as a reference value. (And the component Ari Aa is actually also a very tight binary)
- HD41004A&B: Planet around 41004A by Zucker+(2004), brown dwarf around 41004B by Zucker+(2003) / Binarity well known
- HD196885: Planet by Lick survey in 2005 (unpublished), confirmed by Correia+(2008) / Binary by Chauvin+(2006), parameters last refined by Chauvin+(2023). Note that Barbato+(2023) find a much shorter separation (13au) for the binary
- Gliese86: Planet by Queloz+(2000) / binary by Els+(2001), refined by Zeng+(2022) / WD companion
- HD27442: Planet by Butler+(2001) / Binary by Chauvin+(2006) / WD companion
- Kepler-410(HD175289): is maybe a triple system with a star "C" between A and B (Gajdos et al., 2017) / Binary revised by Mugrauer(2019)
- OGLE2013BLG0341: Planet and binary by Gould+(2014). Companion star's mass only constrained to be "slightly more massive" than the primary
- OGLE2008BLG092L: Planet and binary by Poleski+(2014) .
- HD59686: Planet and binary by Ortiz+(2016)
- HD7449: Planet by Dumusque+(2011) / Binary by Rodigas+(2016) / binary orbit refined by Feng+(2022) , who find a 103.23 deg. mutual inclination between planetary and binary orbits
- WASP-20: Planet by Anderson+(2015) / Binarity by Ziegler+(2020), refined by Lister+(2021)
- Gliese15: First planet by Howard+(2014) / Binary by Lippincott+(1972), revised by Pinamonti+(2018). Projected distance revised by Mugrauer&Michel(2020) (133.14au, compatible with orbit)
- HD116029: First planet by Johnson+(2011) / Binarity by Ngo+(2017)
- HD180617(GJ752): Planet and binary by Kaminski+(2018)
- HD195019: Planet by Fischer+(1998) / Binary by Eggenberger+(2003)
- WASP-2: Planet and binary by Collier Cameron+(2006)
- WASP-72: Planet by Gillon+(2013) / Binary by Bohn+(2020).
- WASP-77: Planet by Maxted+(2012) / Binary by Mugrauer(2019)
- WASP-118: Planet by Hay+(2016) / Binary by Bohn+(2020).
- WASP-130 and WASP-131: Planet by Hellier+(2016) / Binary by Bohn+(2020).
- WASP-122(Kelt-14): Planet by Turner+(2016) / Binary by Bohn+(2020).
- WASP-137: Planet by Anderson+(2018) / Binary by Bohn+(2020).
- Kepler-14(KOI-98): Planet and binary by Buchhave+(2011)
- Kepler-108: Planets by Rowe+(2014) / Binary by Wang+(2015)
- Kepler-421(KOI-1274): Planet by Kipping+(2014) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-504(KOI-249): Planet by Morton+(2016) / Binary in Mugrauer(2019)
- Kelt-2: Planet and binary by Beatty+(2012), revised binary by Mugrauer(2019)
- TrES-2: Planet by O'Donovan+(2006) / Binary by Daemgen+(2009)
- EPIC201637175(K2-22): Planet by Sanchis-Ojeda+(2015) / Binary by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD16141(79Cet): Planet by Marcy+(2000) / Binary by Mugrauer+(2005), revised by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD212301: Planet by Lo Curto+(2006) / Binary by Mugrauer+(2009), revised by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD189733: Planet by Bouchy+(2005) / Binary by Bakos+(2006), revised by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD142: First planet by Tinney+(2002) / Binary known since 1894. Proj. distance by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD177830: First planet by Vogt+(2000) / Binarity by Eggenberger+(2007)
- HD46375: Planet by Marcy+(2000) / Binary from Bonavita+(2007), revised by Mugrauer(2019)
- WASP-76: Planet by West+(2016) / Binary seen by Wöllert+(2015), confirmed as bound by Ngo+(2016), refined by Bohn+(2020)
- WASP-85: Planet by Brown+(2014) / Binary well known. Orbit constrained by Evans+(2018) but with large uncertainties (proj. sep. is 175au). Schlagenhauf+(2024) find of projected separation of 206au, which I assume here
- K2-288B: Planet and Binary by Feinstein+(2019) .
- Kepler-420(KOI-1257): The binary companion was inferred by Santerne et al.(2014) based on joint analysis of RV, bisector and FWHM variations. It should be confirmed by other independent constraints. The binary's orbit is inclined by 18 deg.
- HD207832: Planets by Haghighipour+(2012) / Binary by Ngo et al.(2017)
- HD86081: Planet by Johnson+(2006) / Binary by Ngo et al.(2017)
- HD43691*: Planet by Da Silva+(2007) / The companion star is actually a tight binary (BC). Triple system discovered by Ngo et al.(2017) Binary parameters refined by Schlagenhauf+(2024) .
- GJ3021/HD1237: Planet by Naef+(2001) / Binarity by Chauvin+(2006)
- Kepler-444(HIP94931)*: it is a triple star, so the data corresponds to the merged B+C M-stars (Dupuy et al., 2016) / Planets by Campante+(2015) / Binary by Lillo-Box+(2014) / Mugrauer(2019) finds a proj. distance of 61.2au between the stars, still compatible with Lillo-Box orbit / Binary parameters updated by Zhang+(2022), who also find that the planets and binary planes are aligned.
- HD8673: The "planet" is at the brown dwarf limit. The projected separation is actually 11AU only. The given orbit is the closest stable one as computed by Roberts et al.(2015)
- HD87646: Planet by Ma+(2016) / the 2nd "planet" is probably a brown dwarf /Binary long known
- HD131399: DISCARDED. It is a hierarchical triple (the companion star is in fact a tight binary, see Wagner et al., 2016): Nielsen et al.(2017) discard the imaged planet as being a background star
- HD106515: The binary orbit corresponds to that with lowest possible e and a, but there is a wide range of other possibilities (see Fig.9 of Desidera et al., 2012). Better (but still loose) constraints on the orbit given by Rica et al.(2017). Refined projected distance in Mugrauer(2019)
- Kepler-132(KOI-284): possesses at least 3 planets, and we know that 2 of them (b and c) cannot orbit the same star. But we don't know which planet orbits which star. There is also a 4th planet that is still a KOI. (Lissauer, et al., 2014, Everett et al., 2015)
- HD132563B*: The distant A component is itself a binary of separation 15AU (Desidera et al., 2011)
- Gliese667*: Triple System. The planet-hosting C star is linked to the A-B binary at a projected distance of 230AU. The AB binary has an orbit with a =12.6AU and e=0.58. The stability has been calculated for a merged AB component
- Kelt-4*: Kelt-4A is orbited, at a projected separation of 328AU, by a binary (B-C), composed of 2 identical K stars separated by 10.3AU. The stability has been calculated for a merged BC component (Eastman et al., 2016)
- HD65216*: The B component is in fact a B-C tight binary of separation 6AU (Mugrauer et al., 2007)
- Kepler-21: Planet by Howell+(2012) / binarity by Ginski et al.(2016)
- Kepler-68: Planets by Gilliland+(2013) / binarity by Ginski et al.(2016)
- HD197037: Planet by Robertson+(2012) / binarity by Ginski et al.(2016)
- HD217786: Planet by Moutou+(2011) / binarity by Ginski et al.(2016)
- HD28254: listed as binary in Moutou et al.(2014) and Lodieu et al.(2014).
- Kepler-296(KOI-1422): Planets by Rowe+(2014) and Lissauer+(2014) / Binarity by Horch+(2012)
- HD30856, HD116029, HD207382, HD86081, HD43691. All objects described in Ngo et al.(2017). HD30856, 86051, 207382: companions presented for the first time in this paper. HD43691 & 116029: companions confirmed by Ngo.
- Kepler-693(KOI-824): 150Mjup companion inferred by Masuda+(2017) by modelling the transit timing&duration variations. Planet and Binary planes should have a mutual inclination of 53 deg.
- Kepler-13: the B component is in fact a binary (separation 0.410UA)
- HD126614* planet and binary by Howard(2010) / binary orbit refined by Ginski+(2012) / Feng+(2022) find a companion at 15.2au (at the BD/star limit) which does not seem to be the M dwarf found by Howard. / There is a third component beyond 1000AU (Gould&Chamané, 2004) /
- HD2638* is a triple star. The planet is actually orbiting HD2628B, the companion being HD2638C. But there is a third, more massive star (called HD2567, not HD2638A) at a projected separation of 839" (45000AU, see Roberts et al., 2015) / Planet by Moutou+(2005) / binary by Roberts+(2015)
- TauBootis: refined investigation of the binary by Justesen&Albrecht(2019) , who find a larger semi-major axis than before (221 instead of 118, but with a large uncertainty) and constrain q to 28.3au+-3. Planetary and Binary orbits should be aligned.
- LTT 1445*: 1st planet by Winters et al., 2019 , additional 2 planets by Lavie+(2023) / Triple system with 3 M stars. The A component is orbited by the BC pair, whose orbit has been constrained to be a=8,00au and e=0.5 (Winters et al., 2019). The A-BC orbit is unconstrained but separated by an average separation of 34au (Winters et al., 2019), with a minimumm separation of 21au. System probably coplanar (Winters et al., 2019)
- HD202772: first hot-Jupiter discovered by TESS. The A star is mildly evolved. The bound nature of the AB pair has been confirmed by Mugrauer(2019).
- HD4732: Planets by Sato et al.(2013) / Binary by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD19994*: also known as 94 Cet / planet by Queloz2001(unpublished) / binary parameters by Hale1994, revised by Roberts(2011) / B is itself a compact binary (BC) (Röll et al.,2012)/ proj.separation (50au) by Mugrauer(2019). This system is highly inclined with respect to the line of sight (104degres), with a «real» orbit of a=220au & e=0.26 (Roberts2011).
- WASP-49: Planet by Lendl+(2012) / Binary in Mugrauer(2019)
- omi Uma: Planet by Sato+(2012)/ Binarity hinted at by Sato, confirmed by Mugrauer2019
- HD93385: planets by Hollis+(2012) / Binary in Mugrauer(2019)
- HD98736: planet by Ment+(2018) / binary in Vogt+(2015)
- HD102365: planet by Tinney+(2011) / Binary well known
- HD164509: planet by Giguere+(2012) / binary by Wittrock+(2016)
- HD103774: Planet by Lo Curto+(2013) / Binary identified by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD108341: Planet by Moutou+(2015) / binary in Mugrauer(2019)
- Qatar 6 : Planet by Alsubai(2018) / Binary by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD133131: each star of this wide binary possesses planets (Teske, 2016). Revised binary parameters by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD142245*: Planet by Johnson(2011)/ Binary and binarity of the BC component in Mugrauer+2015
- Kepler-1651(KOI-1725): Planet by Fischer+(2012)/ Binary by Mann+(2017), revised by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD176051: Planet detected by astrometry by Muterspaugh+(2010) / Not sure which star the planet is orbiting (I’ve put A by default) / binary well known, orbit by Muterspaugh+(2010). Simonetti+(2020) give 0.54 for the binary's eccentricity
- Kepler-1319(KOI-2705): Planet by Morton+(2016) / binary by Mann+(2017), revised by Mugrauer(2019) / not sure around which star the planet is orbiting
- Kepler-333(KOI-1908): Planets by Rowe+(2014) / Binary in Mugrauer(2019)
- HD185269*: Planet by Moutou+(2006)/ The B component is itself a tight binary (BC)
- WASP-145: Planet by Hellier+(2018) / Bound nature of the AB pair confirmed by Mugrauer(2019)
- HD220842: Planet by Hebrard+(2016) / Binary by Mugrauer(2019)
- WASP-8*: Triple system, with a distant (14500au) C component / Planet b in transit by Queloz+(2010), Planet c in RV by Knutson+(2014)
- HD114762: DISCARDED: The study by Kiefer(2019) shows that the « planetary » companion has a mass of more than 100 MJup.
- WASP-108: triple system: wide companion (>2000au) detected by Evans(2018), closer companion by Bohn+(2020). Possibly a 4th object at 5" (Bohn+2020). Planet by Anderson+(2014)
- HD42936(DMPP-3): planet and binary by Barnes+(2020) / Parameters refined by Stevenson+(2023), who also find a tentative 2nd planet on a 2.26d period
- WASP-11(HAT-P-10): Planet by West+(2009) and Bakos+(2009) / Binarity by Knutson+(2014)
- K2-136: Firrst planet and binarity by Ciardi+(2018)
- DS Tuc: Planet and binary by Newton+(2019) / Young (45Myr) system in the Tucana-Horologium association
- HD1666: Planet by Harakawa+(2015) / binary by Ginski+(2021)
- HD109271: planets by Lo Curto(2013) / binary by Ginski+(2021)
- HIP68468: planets by Melendez(2017) / binary by Ginski+(2021)
- HIP107773: planet by Jones(2015) / binary by Ginski+(2021)
- LTT 3780(TOI-732): planets by Nowak et al.(2020, CARMENES) & Cloutier et al.(2020, TESS) / binarity well known
- HD238090(GJ458): Planet by Stock et al.(2020) / binary parameters in Cortes-Contrerars et al.(2017)
- GJ414: Planets by Dedrick et al.(2021) / binary well known
- HD26965(40Eri): (FALSE POSITIVE) Planet by Ma et al.(2018) / triple system: primary orbited by binary of separation 32AU, B component is a white dwarf
- Kepler-450(KOI-279): Planet by Van Eylen+(2015) /Common proper motions stellar companions found by Colton et al.(2021), would maybe need additional confirmation.
- Kepler-632(KOI-640): Common proper motions stellar companions found by Colton et al.(2021), would maybe need additional confirmation.
- Kepler-884(KOI-1531): Common proper motions stellar companions found by Colton et al.(2021), would maybe need additional confirmation.
- Kepler-1339(KOI-2754): Common proper motions stellar companions found by Colton et al.(2021), would maybe need additional confirmation.
- HD23472: Planets by Trifonov(2018), Binarity by Michel&Mugrauer(2021)
- HIP65 (TOI-129): Planet by Nielsen+(2020)/Binarity (third companion at 4500au) by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- HD5278(TOI-130): Planets by Sozetti+(2021)/Binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- TOI-1634 : Planet by Hirano+(2021) / Binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- HR858: Planets by Vanderburg+(2019) / Binarity by Michel&Mugrauer(2021)
- HD39855: Planet by Feng+(2019) / Binarity by Michel&Mugrauer(2021)
- NGTS10: Planet by McCormac+(2020) / Binarity by Michel&Mugrauer(2021)
- HD79211B(GJ338B): Planet by Gonzales-Alvares+(2020) / Binary long known, orbit refined by Gonzales-Alvares
- HD93148 (MASCARA-3 or KELT-24): Planet by Hjorth+(2019) / Binarity by Rodriguez+(2019)
- HD233832: Planet & binarity by Barbato+(2019), latest binary measurement by Michel&Mugrauer(2021)
- TOI-905: Planet by Davis+(2020) / Binarity hinted at by Davis, confirmed by Ziegler+(2020) and Michel&Mugrauer(2021): possible higher hierarchy for the system because diff.proper motion exceeds the system's escape velocity
- HD181234: Planet by Rickman+(2019) / Binarity by Michel&Mugrauer(2021)
- HD4113*: Triple system / Planet by Tamuz+(2007) / B companion at 2000au by Mugrauer(2019) / C companion (this one) by Cheetham+(2018). The companion is actually a BD of mass 65Mjup
- HD213885*(TOI141): 1st Planet by Espinoza+(2020) / Binarity by Ziegler+(2020), separation refined by Lester+(2021) / Triple system with a third companion at only 63.7au, making it a (very) rare non-hierarchical triple system
- TOI-172: planet by Rodriguez+(2019) / binarity by Ziegler+(2020), refined by Lester+(2021)
- TOI402: planets by Dumusque+(2019) / binarity by Ziegler+(2020), refined by Lester+(2021)
- TOI-564: planet by Davis+(2020) / binarity hinted at by Davis, confirmed by Lester+(2021)
- TOI-640: planet by Rodriguez+(2021) / binarity by Ziegler+(2020), companion mass unconstrained (assumed 0.5M_1 by default)
- TOI-1201: planet by Kossakowski+(2021) / binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- HIP86221*: planet by Paredes+(2021) / AB binary well known since Hipparcos / Hierarchical triple system with a fainter C component at 277au
- HATS-74(TOI737): planet by Jordan+(2022) / binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- Kepler-1063(KOI-2032): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017) / unconfirmed 3rd companion at 392au
- Kepler-1505(KOI-3456): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 7deg (and huge error bars for e)
- Kepler-1229(KOI-2418): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1443(KOI-3234): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 67.0deg
- Kepler-520(KOI-307): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 39.0deg
- Kepler-437(KOI-3255): planet by Torres+(2015) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1410(KOI-3010): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1711(KOI-177): planet by Valizadegan+(2021) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-61(KOI-1361): planet by Ballard+(2013) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1002(KOI-1890): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-967(KOI-1830): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-482(KOI-174): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-84(KOI-1589): 1st planets by Xie(2013) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-780(KOI-1150): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1418(KOI-3049): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-536(KOI-356): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-271(KOI-1151): planets by Rowe+(2014) and Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1248(KOI-2463): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1040(KOI-1989): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- Kepler-1364(KOI-2837): planet by Morton+(2016) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- TOI-1860*: planet by Giacalone+(2022) / binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020) / The companion star is itself a binary (BC)
- TOI-837: planet by Bouma+(2020) / binarity by Behmard+(2022) / Young system (35Myr) member of the cluster IC2602
- Gamma Leonis: planet by Han+(2010). Reffert&Quillenbach(2011) give a 9.2MJup<M<130MJup mass range derived from astrometry, so it might not be a planet / Binary well known. The orbit given in Mason+(2006) seems incoherent, with a 510yrs period but a 4.24" semi-major axis corresponding to 163au. Secondary mass by Schlagenhauf+(2024) . Host star visible to the naked eye.
- HIP94235: Planet and binarity by Zhou+(2022) / Large uncertainty on the binary's eccentricity/ Member of the AB Dor group (120Myr)
- TOI-1820: Planet and binarity by Knudstrup+(2022) / Stellar companion 100 times fainter than A component (I put 0.3M_sun as a rough estimate)
- HD93963(TOI-1797): planets by Almenara+(2022) / binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- TOI-1452: planet by Cadieux+(2022) / binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020) .
- GJ896: planet by Curiel+(2022) / binarity well known, parameters refined by Curiel+(2022) / 148 deg. mutual inclination between planetary and binary planes
- HIP90988(HD170707): planet by Jones+(2021), refined by Feng+(2022) / Binarity by Feng+(2022) / Red Giant Branch star
- HD144899: planet & binarity by Feng+(2022)
- HD199509: planet & binarity by Feng+(2022)
- HD217958(HIP113948): planet & binarity by Feng+(2022) / large error bars (+-35MJup) for the companion mass, which could be a BD / 74.5 deg. mutual inclination (large error bars) between planet and binary planes
- GJ9714(HD199981): planet by Feng+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) / companion mass derived from Gaia DR3 photometry
- HD115404: planets by Feng+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) / companion mass derived from Gaia DR3 photometry
- HD155918: planets by Feng+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) / companion mass derived from Gaia DR3 photometry
- HD88072*: planet by Feng+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) / spectral type of the companion constrained by González-Payo+(2024) /third (very) distant companion at 170000 (González-Payo+(2024))
- HD140901: planets by Feng+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) / companion mass derived from Gaia DR3 photometry
- HD80869: planet by Demangeon+(2021), refined by Feng+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) / companion mass derived from Gaia DR3 photometry
- HD72892: planet by Jenkins+(2017) / binarity by Feng+(2022), large error bars on the stellar companion mass (+41 / -35 Mjup), which could be a BD
- HD145934: planet by Feng+(2015) / binary by Feng+(2015) confirmed by Feng+(2022) , large error bars on the stellar companion mass (+70 / -13Mjup), which could be a BD
- HAT-P-35*(TOI-489): planet by Bakos+(2012) / binary by Ngo+(2016), parameters refined by Schlagenhauf+(2024) , third companion aat 4832au
- TOI-4145: planet by Yee+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) confirmed by Yee / spectral types and masses crudely derived by me from Teff and M/L relation
- TOI-2977: planet and binarity by Yee+(2022) / bound character of the binary still to be confirmed
- TOI-3714: Planet by Canas+(2022) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) , binary eccentricity loosely constrained by Canas (0.99+0.01 and -0.47) / Companion is WD
- TOI-3984: Planet by Canas+(2023) / binarity by El-Badry+(2021) , binary eccentricity loosely constrained by Hwang+(2022) (0.64+0.18-0.26) / companion is WD
- TOI-2152*: Planet and binary by Rodriguez+(2023) / Mugrauer&Michel(2020) found a third companion at 6000au
- Kepler-1988(KOI-3214)*: Planet by Valizadegan+(2023) (2nd planet further out still in "candidate" status) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017) (3rd stellar companion at 626au), large uncertainties on stellar masses
- Kepler-1027(KOI-1961): Planet by Morton+(2016) / Binarity by Dupuy+(2022), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 34deg.
- Kepler-1948(KOI-4252): Planet by Valizaddedgan+(2022) / Binarity by Dupuy+(2022), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 9.5deg
- Kepler-449(KOI-270): Planet by Van Eylen+(2015) / Binarity confirmed by Dupuy+(2022), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 3.2deg
- Kepler-907(KOI-1613): Planet by Morton+(2016) / Binarity by by Colton et al.(2021), binary orbit constrained by Lester+(2023), with mutual inclination 3.5deg
- TOI-1736: Planet and binary by Mortioli+(2023). Stellar companion detected in speckle imaging and on the SED, would need confirmation
- HD180617(GJ752): Planet by Kaminski+(2018) / Stellar companion was a BD (0.07Msun) for Kaminski+(2018), but was found to have a stellar mass (0.85Msun) by Michel&Mugrauer(2023)
- HD9578: Planet in an Udry(2009) press release but never published in a paper / Binary by Mugrauer&Ginski(2015).
- K2-120: Planet by Dressing+(2017) / Binary in Michel&Mugrauer+(2024), but known before that / planet and stellar spin inclined by 36 deg.
- HD94834: Planet by Luhn+(2019) / Binary by Michel&Mugrauer+(2024)
- HAT-P-18(TOI-2127): Planet by Hartman+(2011) / Binary in Michel&Mugrauer+(2024), but known before that
- BD+631405 : Planet by Dalal+(2021) / Binary by Michel&Mugrauer+(2024)
- Kepler-1019(KOI-1937): Planet by Morton+(2016) / Binary in Michel&Mugrauer+(2024), but known before that
- Kepler-1035(KOI-1979): Planet by Morton+(2016) / Binary in Michel&Mugrauer+(2024), but known before that
- Kepler-1973(KOI-984): Planet by Sun+(2022) / Binary by Law+(2014)
- Kepler-808(KOI-1300): Planet by Morton+(2016) / Binary in Michel&Mugrauer+(2024), but known before that
- TOI-2010: Planet by Mann+(2023) / Binary by Lester+(2021), recovered by Mann+(2023). Gaia DR3 has a second companion at 207au, which cannot be the same as the one seen by Ziegler or Mann (Mann+, 2023). Both companions could explain the long-period RV trend observed by Mann+(2023) (see Fig.5 of that paper)
- KELT-19: Planet and binary by Siverd+(2017) / Planet has a retrograde orbit, and even probably a flipped orbit with respect to stellar spin (Kawai+, 2024)
- TOI-3321: Planet and stellar companion by Schult+(2024) / The stellar companion is 4.89 mag fainter, I take 0.15Msun for its mass
- TOI-815: Planets by Psaridi+(2024) / Binary by Mugrauer&Michel(2020), refined by Behmard+(2022) .
- WASP-14*: Planet by Joshi+(2009) / Binary by Ngo+(2015), refined by Schlagenhauf+(2024) / third component at 1825au initially detected by Fontanive+(2019) .
- eps CrB: Planet by Lee+(2012) / Binary well known, parameters refined by Schlagenhauf+(2024) . Host star visible to the naked eye.
- WASP-58: Planet by Hebrard+(2013) / Binary seen by Wöllert+(2015), confirmed as bound by Ngo+(2016), parameters refined by Schlagenhauf+(2024) .
- HAT-P-8*: Planet by Latham+(2009) / Binary by Ginski+(2013) , parameters refined by Schlagenhauf+(2024) . The companion is actually a tight binary
- HAT-P-20: Planet by Bakos+(2010) / Binary in Michel&Mugrauer(2023), but known before / planet and stellar spin tilted by 36 deg.
- GJ65: Planet by Abuter+(2024) / Binary well known / The planet could also orbit the B star, with slightly different orbital parameters. The best fit is a mutual inclination of 30 deg. between binary and planetary orbital planes. / Nearest system in the database so far (2.7pc) (CANDIDATE PLANET ONLY)
- TOI-4336* : Planet by Timmermans+(2024) / Binary well known in the WDS catalogue / Third stellar companion (M4.0) at 2900au / The binary orbit is loosely constrained, with a 68% confidence interval from 72 to 175au for the semi-major axis
- TOI-4633 : Planet (4633c) and binary by Eisner+(2024) / binary orbit deduced from archival data stretching back to 1905 / Planet orbit unstable according to the Holman&Wiegert(1999) prescription, which might not be accurate for the high e (0.91) of the present binary. The grid map of Quarles+(2020) predicts that the planetary orbit should be stable. / Second planet (4633b) still in candidate status
- TOI-1824: Planet by Lange+(2024) / Binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- HD148193(TOI-1836)*: planet and binary by Chontos+(2024) / Third companion (itself a binary) at 1900au
- HD28192*: planet and binary by Feng+(2022) / Third component at 1260au
- TOI-1450: planets by Brady+(2024) / second planet discovered by RV / binarity by Mugrauer&Michel(2020)
- Kepler-1130(KOI-2169)*: First planet by Morton+(2016) / Binarity by Mugrauer(2019) / Third companion at 875au
- K2-265: planet and binary by Lam+(2018)
- K2-260: planet and binary by Johnson+(2018)
- K2-232(HD286123): planet by Brahm+(2018) & Yu+(2018) / binarity by Yu+(2018)
- K2-290*: planet and binary by Hjorth+(2019)
- Kepler-1802(KOI-2174): planet confirmed by Valizaddedgan+(2022) / binary seen by Furlan+(2017) confirmed as bound by Hirsch+(2017)
- GJ3222(HD21175): planet and brown dwarf by Feng+(2022) / Binarity by Philipot+(2023)
- HD149806 : planet by Feng+(2022) / binarity by Hirsch+(2021)
- HD18143* : planets by Feng+(2022) / binary well known (in the WDS) / Third (M) companion at 945au
- HD150010: planet by Jeong+(2022) / binary by Horch+(2012)
- TOI-762: planet by Hartman+(2024) / binarity by Hartman&Lepine(2020)
- HD89744C* : planet by Korzennik+(2000) / binary by Fontanive+(2019) "likely bound" at >99% / Third companion (HD89744B) at 2476au
- HAT-P-27: planet by Beky+(2011) / Binary seen by Wöllert+(2015), confirmed as bound by Ngo+(2016)
- 70 Vir: planet by Marcy&Butler(1996) / binary by Fontanive+(2019) "likely bound" at >99%
- TOI-179(HD18599): planet and binary by Desidera+(2023) / 2 possible orbits for the stellar companion
- HD11505: planet by Feng+(2022) / binary by Lloyd+(2002), refiined by González-Payo+(2024)) / Companion mass unknown (I put 0.5Msun)
- GJ2030(HD21019) : planets by Feng+(2022) / binarity in the WDS, refiined by González-Payo+(2024) / Companion mass unknown (I put 0.5Msun)
- HD153557 planets by Feng+(2022) / binarity in the WDS, refiined by González-Payo+(2024) / third companion at 2016au
- HD154672 planet by Lopez-Morales+(2008) / binary seen by Moutou+(2011), confirmed as bound by González-Payo+(2024) / stellar companion mass unknown (I put 0.5Msun)
- HD156846: planet by Tamuz+(2007) / binarity in the WDS, refiined by González-Payo+(2024)
- HD157172: planet by Mayor+(2011) / binary seen by Moutou+(2011), confirmed as bound by González-Payo+(2024)/ stellar companion mass unknown (I put 0.5Msun)
- HIP88399(HD164249): (CANDIDATE!) planet by Mesa+(2022) / binarity in the WDS, refiined by González-Payo+(2024)
- HD183263: 1st planet by Marcy+(2005) / binary seen by Ginski+(2012), confirmed as bound by González-Payo+(2024) / stellar companion mass unknown (I put 0.5Msun)
- HD207496*: planet by Barros+(2023) / binarity in the WDS, refiined by González-Payo+(2024)/ third companion(M) at 179.6au, making it a rare case of a non-hierarchical triple with planet
- HD114729: planet by Butler+(2003) / binary by González-Payo+(2024) .
- HD5608: planet by Sato+(2012) / binarity by Ryu+(2016), refined by Teng+(2023)
- BX Tri(AB)*: planet by Eaton(2024) / Binary companion by Dimitrov&Kjurchieva(2011) / The central component is actually itself an ultra-short period (0.19days) binary Dimitrov&Kjurchieva(2010) , making this a unique case of a planet on both a S-type and a P-type orbit / 4th distant component at 3500AU
- Gl725: planet by Cortes-Zuleta+(2024) / binary well known, refined by Cortes-Zuleta+(2024)
- BD+05 4868 (TIC 466376085): "planet" by Hon+(2025), believed to be a dust-tail-producing disintegrating planet, whose mass might be in the Moon-to-Mercury range
- HD57625: planet by Barbato+(2025) / binarity in Gaia DR3
- HAT-P-16*(TOI-1458): planet by Buchhave+(2010) / binary by Ngo+(2015)/ 3rd component at 5300au
- HAT-P-33(TOI-1714): planet by Hartman+(2011) / binary by Ngo+(2015)
- HATS-37: planet and binary by Jordan+(2020) .
- Kepler-157(KOI-442): First planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-97(KOI-292): Planets by Marcy+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-615(KOI-588): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-621(KOI-605): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-746(KOI-1002): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-793(KOI-1214): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-283(KOI-1288): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1284(KOI-1681): planet by Valizadegan+(2023) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-930(KOI-1695): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-931(KOI-1700): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-968(KOI-1833): First planets by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-326(KOI-1835): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-973(KOI-1841): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1032(KOI-1973): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-345(KOI-1977): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1048(KOI-2005): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1076(KOI-2059): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1795(KOI-2117): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-369(KOI-2179): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1214(KOI-2376): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-383(KOI-2413): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1251(KOI-2482): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1855(KOI-2542): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-400(KOI-2711): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1347(KOI-2790): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1985(KOI-2851): planet by Valizadegan+(2023) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1388(KOI-2926): planets by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1427(KOI-3106): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1498(KOI-3432): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1929(KOI-3908): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1542(KOI-4032): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-1611(KOI-4510): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2023) as bound
- Kepler-476(KOI-162): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-478(KOI-165): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-133(KOI-291): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-514(KOI-297): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-526(KOI-332): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1664(KOI-349): planet by Armstrong+(2021) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-547(KOI-420): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-555(KOI-443): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-603(KOI-564): planets by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-662(KOI-750): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-241(KOI-842): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-744(KOI-991): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-301(KOI-1436): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-862(KOI-1491): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-878(KOI-1521): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1760(KOI-1648): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-926(KOI-1677): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-953(KOI-1792): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-971(KOI-1839): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1771(KOI-1857): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1007(KOI-1900): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1042(KOI-1996): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1046(KOI-2002): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1062(KOI-2031): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1064(KOI-2033): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1075(KOI-2058): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1084(KOI-2075): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1791(KOI-2083): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1090(KOI-2094): first planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1681(KOI-2132): planet by Armstrong+(2021) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-362(KOI-2147): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1149(KOI-2224): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-380(KOI-2333): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1194(KOI-2335): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1199(KOI-2342): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1202(KOI-2346): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1220(KOI-2392): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1221(KOI-2397): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1226(KOI-2407): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1240(KOI-2440): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-388(KOI-2466): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1264(KOI-2517): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1854(KOI-2538): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1856(KOI-2543): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-393(KOI-2595): planets by Rowe+(2014) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1288(KOI-2608): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1874(KOI-2760): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1371(KOI-2859): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1393(KOI-2951): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1401(KOI-2990): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1404(KOI-2996): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1406(KOI-3002): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1902(KOI-3090): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1424(KOI-3093): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1426(KOI-3101): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1649(KOI-3138): First planet by Angelo+(2017) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1910(KOI-3140): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1438(KOI-3141): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1482(KOI-3371): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1493(KOI-3415): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1926(KOI-3494): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1939(KOI-4097): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1942(KOI-4153): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity by Sullivan+(2024)
- Kepler-1945(KOI-4184): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1950(KOI-4310): planet by Valizadegan+(2022) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound
- Kepler-1620(KOI-4706): planet by Morton+(2016) / binarity hinted at by Furlan+(2017), confirmed by Sullivan+(2024) as bound