
LATEST SIGNIFICATIVE UPDATES (major ones in boldface):

- 05/03/2025: Added 101 new objects (a 30% increase of the database!) taken from the confirmed planet-hosting binaries of Sullivan+(2023) and Sullivan+(2024).

- 10/02/2025: Added BD+05 4868, HD57625, HAT-P-33, HAT-P-16 and HATS-37 / Removed 5 discarded or unconfirmed objects (30AriB,GJ65,HD114762,HD26965,HD88399)
- 27/11/2024: Added Gl725 and BX Tri (the only system where the planet is both on an S-type and a P-type orbit)
- 26/08/2024: Added 9 systems listed in Tab.4 of Gonzales-Payo+(2024) that had escaped my scrutiny: HD11505, GJ2030, HD153557, HD154672, HD156846, HD157172, HD164249, HD183263, HD207496. Also added HAT-P-27, HD89744, 70 Vir, TOI-179.
- 05/07/2024: Added 4 new circumbinary planets: KIC3853259, KIC7177553, KIC7821010, OGLE-2019-BLG-1470
- 03/07/2024: Added TOI-1824, TOI-1450, TOI-1836, K2-232, K2-260, K2-265, K2-290, Kepler-1130, Kepler-1802, HD28192, HD 149806, HD18143, HD150010, GJ3222.
- 01/05/2024: Added TOI-4336 and TOI-4633 (second most eccentric planet-hosting binary so far).
- March-April 2024: Added WASP-14, eps CrB, WASP-58, HAT-P-8, HAT-P-20 & GJ65 (nearest system in the database so far).
- Feb. 2024:
Added TOI-2010, KELT-19, TOI-3321, TOI-815 & OGLE-2023-BLG-0836.
- 31/01/2024: Added a histogram showing the separation distribution for all S-type systems in our database.
- 10/12/2023: Created a new subpage dedicated to circumbinary planets .
- 20/11/2023: Added systems with stellar companions newly found by Michel&Mugrauer(2023) (or systems listed in that paper that had escaped my scrutiny): GJ752, HD9578, K2-120, HD94834, HAT-P-18, BD+631405, Kepler1019, Kepler1035, Kepler1973, Kepler808
- 01/09/2023: Added Kepler-1027 and Kepler-1948, added constraints on 7 binary orbits (especially mutual inclinations) derived by Dupuy+(2022) and Lester+(2023)
- 12/06/2023: Added missing Notes and References to 65 systems and homogenized system names in the "Notes & References on Individual Systems" sub-page
- May/June 2023 Added Kepler-1988. Updated parameters for HD42936(DMPP-3) and HD196885
- Jan/Feb 2023 Added TOI-4145, TOI-2977, TOI-3714, TOI-3984 and TOI-2152
- 01/09/2022 Added 12 new binary-with-planet(s) systems identified by Feng+(2022)
- July-Aug 2022 Added HD93963(TOI-1797), TOI-1452, GJ896, HAT-P-35(TOI489)
- April-May 2022 Added TOI-1860, TOI-837, Gamma Leo, HIP94235 (AB Dor group), TOI-1820
- 28/01/2022 Added 21 Kepler planet-hosts confirmed as having bound companions by Hirsch+(2017)
- 06/12/2021 Added the very tight (8.5au) binary HIP86221, where Paredes+(2021) discovered a close-in Jovian planet
- 28/06/2021 Added confirmed TOIs whose binarity has been established by Ziegler+(2020) and/or Lester+(2021): TOI-141, 172, 402, 564, 640
- 17/06/2021 Added a machine-readable table with the main characteristics of all <500au systems

previous updates: here